we will win in november | Tony Smith

Together, WE win in November!

The Democrats winning in November…..less than 4 months from now……..will take now a bit of work, folks ….and November is definitely winnable…………..

Please see :    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/03/us/politics/simon-rosenberg-trump-biden.html?smid=nytcore-android-share

Simon Rosenberg (hopiumchronicles.com)  the subject of this interview above, will be coming to speak at  [Fridayaction.org] to share with all of us how he develops his highly reliable insights into the election process, date tbd. I participate with Fridayaction.org every week on Wednesdays at 8pm. It is a powerful place to put your commitment to work, a citizen’s grass roots org that focuses on electoral pivot points. Our pivot point is Bucks county, Penn, from the stand that as goes Bucks county, so goes Penn and as goes Penn, so goes the USA. It is time for we movers and shakers to be in action; all is at stake in under 4 months. We blow this and we deserve what we get.

On Wednesday, May 8, Fridayaction.org will host the SGCCAmerica.com (State Government Citizens Campaign) who are incredibly  efficient and effective with mobilizing the tipping point states. at 8pm (eastern),  and the site will direct you.

At 1,000 strong, fridayaction.org  is facilitated  by an experienced and astute host, Paul Spector, out of Northampton, Mass. Paul routinely predicts better than the polls… since 2020, we have sent out 150 k postcards, made thousands of calls, and hosted grass roots fundraisers recently of 50 k and 35 k for state legislators and state wide offices which also mobilizes the national vote…we have flipped state level seats to the Dems and ensured that the Governor and the Senators are Democrats ( and the State house but not…yet…the State Senate)

People across the political spectrum have acknowledged that Trump depends on conning people…… perhaps conning his base into frenzy, conning the fence sitters into being spectators… and spectatorship is the ONLY WAY WE CAN LOSE….

Our individual votes matter a n d are not sufficient to win. We now get to roll up our sleeves and give our money, time, energy to make a real difference….each action counts and moves our intention into reality…

Fridayaction.org is a powerful and effective way that works…come join us Wednesday nights at 8 pm or Friday mornings at 9am (Eastern time)…. find your horse and ride it … t h r o u g h the finish line.

Rosa’s and my door are open to all for action ideas that we can take which support winning in November!

Together, WE win in November !

With love and thanks,
Tony and Rosa Smith

***Allies with[fridayaction.orgFridayaction.org:

*[sgccamerica.org]SGCCAmerica.com (State Government Citizens Campaign). This highly effective group works at The State legislature level where most of the laws that impact you and me are generated and where  most of the laws that reach the Supreme court come from. They create real tipping points in the swing states with our money, time and energy.
*Movement Voter Project….MVP at [movement.vote]
*Focus for Democracy at focus4democracy.org

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