Abracadabra | Tony Smith

Taking A Stand

Abracadabra is an ancient saying that means literally, ” I create as I speak. “……….A very powerful form of speaking is a declaration wherein a person declares a new possibility and then declares their commitment to realize and fulfill that possibility by discovering and taking the actions that allows the possibility to be realized. . To realize means to happen and take shape in reality, to be fulfilled. Taking a stand as a declaration is a creative act, based on nothing—except your word…..Such a declaration opens up new worlds to explore, discover, learn and act on. Two very famous stands that were taken publicly and boldly by our public leaders were Thomas Jefferson when he and his team wrote, The Declaration of Independence, and also John F. Kennedy when he said in 1962, “We are committed to land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth within this decade (the 1960s).” As such, taking a stand for what is possible, for your larger vision or empowering purpose, enables and empowers you and your team……… really all human beings……….. to both discover and invent new actions and realities, in your personal lives and in the world. A stand is not a private, passing thought but rather a deeply thought through bold statement that is best done in collaboration with others who coach and develop you from and as your stand. Being committed to a possibility larger than yourself is key to transformational leadership.

If you would like to see vivid demonstrations of the actual results of Taking a Stand, please go to vsacoach.com and see “Case Studies.” If you would like to learn more about h o w one goes about taking an authentic stand for a possibility, vision, mission or purpose…………a future…….. larger than oneself, please write to me through our website sign in at the bottom.
Thank you for your interest in transformative leadership.

Some of the ideas in this paragraph are derived from the work of Werner Erhard and Landmark Worldwide, LLC and are used with permission.

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